old vs new app
Fig 1, Stackoverflow summary
Stackoverflow contributions

I am a hands-on learner, so when I encounter a problem, I try to find solutions online. Stack Overflow is one of the major sources for programming problems and solutions, and it has become my go-to resource. When I solve problems for myself, I post the solutions on Stack Overflow. This way, others can find them helpful, and I can maintain my solutions in one place.

Verve pos flow
Fig 2, Stackoverflow profile
Just numbers.

Over the years, I have posted many answers on Stack Overflow, earning more than 580 reputation points and reaching over 520,000 people. I have also managed to acquire 1 gold, 7 silver, and over 10 bronze badges.

Although achieving this level of reach and recognition was never my primary goal, I am grateful for it nonetheless.

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pos app sketch
Fig 3, AsyncStorage issue
Solving issues

I encountered an issue with the React Native AsyncStorage open-source library on their npm webpage. I took the initiative to address the problem and submitted my request. The maintainers of the library reviewed and accepted the request. It was a rewarding experience to contribute to the community and see my work implemented.

View github issue
pos app sketch
Fig 4, Repository issue

Another issue I addressed was in a repository called reactjs-interview-questions that has over 37000 stars & over 8900 forks. The issue was related to the toggle functionality in the README file, which needed improvement to make navigating the repository easier. You can view the issue by clicking the button below.

View github issue
pos app launch
Fig 5 NPM open-source library
Building an open-source library

When I was building the Verve POS app, I realized that React Native didn't have a built-in select options feature, and the available solutions didn't fit my requirements. So, I decided to build my own solution, which later became an NPM open-source library.

The library received over 1,000 downloads, which was very uplifting. However, after making some changes to the code, it became difficult to implement, leading to a significant drop in downloads. I plan to address and fix these issues in the future.

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